In accordance with Spanish tax law, foreign citizens (individuals) who are not residents of Spain are by default credited with income from the ownership of real estate even if it is not rented out, and the owner does not receive any real income from owning it.
IRNR (impuesto sobre la renta de no residente) is a non-resident income tax. The income charged to non-residents is 2% of the cadastral value of the property (the cadastral value can be seen on the IBI municipal property tax receipt). The tax rate on this income is 24%, i.е. about 0.5% of the cadastral value of housing is paid to the budget. In practice, this is a small amount, often coinciding with the municipal tax.
The tax is paid in the current year for the previous year. That is, in 2014, before December 31, you must pay tax for the past 2013. The tax is not automatically deducted from the bank account number. Our company provides the service of paying this tax in the following sequence:
1. We send you a letter asking you to agree to work on the payment of the IRNR tax.
2. After receiving your consent, we send the necessary information to fill out the declaration to our accounting department.
3. The accounting department calculates the amount of tax and fills in a tax return.
4. We send you the tax amount and invoice for accounting services.
5. After your confirmation for payment, the accountant submits a declaration for payment to your bank along with an invoice for services.
6. After that, we will send you a declaration with the seal of the bank on payment by e-mail.
If there are two or more owners, then each pays in proportion to his % participation in the property.
The cost of accounting services is 60 euros per declaration (since 2015). For each owner and property, a separate declaration is submitted. This means that if you have two owners and you have two properties for two, then in total you need to fill out four declarations. In such cases, a discount system is applied.
Failure to pay this tax may result in penalties, up to the refusal to issue visas and the arrest of the bank account number. This is especially true for owners wishing to apply for a residence permit.
Świetna okazja do zainwestowania swoich pieniędzy. Nowe i nowoczesne kompleksy mieszkaniowe apartamentów, willi, kamienic. Rentowność przy średnim cyklu budowy trwającym 2,5 roku od 6% do 12% rocznie lub od 15 do 30% pod koniec budowy. M
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